Friday, June 10, 2011

Back Bay Experience (Junior Year)

I don't even know where to start from, Back Bay has been such a big help. I plan on going back to my home school, CMHS, but I wouldn't be able to go there without Back Bay's help. When I came to this school my grades and transcript weren't looking to good. Now I have good grades, good attendance, and I have enough credits to go back to Mesa.

I've had so many good times I don't know where to start from. This year has been something new, something exciting, and different. Playing basketball in the 3 on 3 tournament was the best. Competing is something that I love to do, and I got to compete with some new people. Anthony Astorino, Fernando, and my twin brother, Ray Garduno. We did really well and won the championship, went undefeated in the tournament, and got rewarded with some great tasting pizza from Mr. Kovac. That was definitely the most exciting/memorable moment that I have had at Back Bay. 

The only this that Back Bay could do to make this school better is to get some sports going on. If we started our own basketball and football team here and Back Bay, I think we could do really well and compete. We have a lot of talented kids at this school, some kids want to show that. If we couldn't get our school to change that, then at least let us play a sport at a different school while were attending Back Bay. 

I'm going to miss a lot of things that are at Back Bay. The teachers, the students, and especially the things that go on at Back Bay. The classes that this school schedules you for are pretty intense classes. I love all the classes that I'm assigned. Art, Horticulture, and Walking class are my favorite. Mrs. Moore would have to be my favorite teacher on campus. She is super cool, very energetic, and is always in a good mood. She has helped me out a lot at this school and is a very cool teacher to talk to. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Last Summer as a High School Student...

This summer has to be one of the best; I have to make this a summer that will never be forgotten. This summer I plan on working, going to the beach, hanging out with friends, and going to the gym more. Im looking forward to playing a lot of basketball over the summer, winning some tournaments, and going home with one of those big trophies.
Since this is going to be my last summer before my life changes, I have to make the best of it. To make the best of it, it's going to cost me some money; so that means it job time. I'm going to be working at the OC Fair this year, that's how I'm going to have money to do what I want to do. Having a job isn't the funnest thing, but it's definitely worth it. Working at the OC Fair is actually a pretty cool job, I get to be around a fun environment so it's not like I'm ever bored at work. 
Going to the gym over the summer is really important to me this year, I need to get my beach body going, and i also need to get in shape for Football and Basketball. Going to the gym isn't that easy for me, I usually don't have enough time to make it to the gym. I'm going to have basketball practice from 7-9am, so that means right after practice I'll be heading to the beach right after practice. A good bike ride to the beach after a fun practice is always good. 
Hanging out with my friends is another thing that I am going to make memorable, or at least try to remember. Last summer I was always with my friends, we would always go to the fair, beach, or go on an adventure to somewhere we haven't been before. So I plan on having a recap of that this year. I'm going to do anything to make this summer the best, that's a promise. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

4. Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

I believe that marijuana is NOT a drug; it helps many people in the world get through the day a whole lot easier. The government has actually thought about making Marijuana legal, but they would only do that if they could tax it. If they legalize marijuana and tax it, the cost for marijuana is going to rise, which is going to cause people (donators, users, and patients) mad because its going to cost them more to get what they need to live a day in "peace". People aren’t going to be so happy about that. So in my opinion, Marijuana should NOT be legalized; its just going to cause a lot of ruckus and more people are going to try to sell marijuana on the black market. People are going to be having farms of marijuana growing everywhere you go. If you have your Medical Card, you’re allowed to have a mini farm in your house, or on your property. People are going to be taking advantage of that IF marijuana ever becomes legal. Marijuana, Mary Jane, or whatever people call it now days; should stay illegal. It’s just going to cause a lot of changes to California and they aren’t going to be good. 

Missing Dog!!

Please Find Me..

Went missing on Adams St.
date missing on 6/4/11
Please call 714-555-1420

Thursday, June 2, 2011

3. Gritsss.. x__x

If you feel like dying, just go pick up a pack of cigarettes!! People may think its cool to smoke, but they're really damaging their lungs and filling them up with tar. It changes the way you look, feel, and it messes with your health. Smoking cigarettes stains your teeth, so that means no more nice smile, which also means, nasty breathe. When you’re like this, people don't want to be around you. People won’t want to talk to you; no one will want to be your friend. Sometimes people smoke just to be cool and so they could be part of the group.  Smoking while pregnant can hurt you, but it can also affect your baby. Many people don’t know that, but a lot of people don’t really believe it. Tobacco/Cigarettes kill more people than any other drug, more than alcohol, and even more car crashes put together.  2nd hand smoke is also a lot worse than first hand smoke. So if you have kids, please don’t smoke around them, you might not think you’re hurting them, but you really are. If you don’t want cancer, baby problems, bad teeth/breathe, then stay away from cigarettes, it’s just that simple.


Do you know what your children are doing at all times? The movie KIDS is an incredible movie about the life of teenagers during their crazy moments. They all have their moments and their nights. In my opinion, I think KIDS is a great movie; is all they do is party and do things that teenagers do for fun now a days. Kids are all about having fun and doing things that we only get to do as teenagers. After your teen years are gone, its all about work and kids, there is no more party scene for you. Teenagers are all about going out, hanging out with friends, and experimenting over the summer. That's exactly what these 'kids' do. I would rate this video a 4/5 stars; it had its funny, violent, and drama scenes, which made this movie intense. There was always a surprise coming up, it was just unpredictable when it was going to happen. Your always in for a treat when your watching teenage movies like this, but you would never expect some of these things to happen. If you want to laugh and see how teenagers are all around the world; watch this movie.  Nuff’ said!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The WaterBoy

Director Frank Coraci has a background of making very interesting comedies. He directed the movie Click, which won 2007's People's Choice Award for Favorite movie comedy. The WaterBoy still holds the tittle of being the number one grossing sports comedy of all time. His first independent film, Murdered Innocence, which he also co-wrote, won Best Feature Film Award and Best Directorial debut at the Long Island Film Festival. 

Adam Sandler played the main character in this movie and did it very well. He went from being a kid getting hired as a WaterBoy, to being the playmaker in the game. He isn't really a violent person in the movie, he is calm, funny, and i would say a little odd. Adam Sandler also writes and produces many of his own films and has composed songs for several of them.