Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Last Summer as a High School Student...

This summer has to be one of the best; I have to make this a summer that will never be forgotten. This summer I plan on working, going to the beach, hanging out with friends, and going to the gym more. Im looking forward to playing a lot of basketball over the summer, winning some tournaments, and going home with one of those big trophies.
Since this is going to be my last summer before my life changes, I have to make the best of it. To make the best of it, it's going to cost me some money; so that means it job time. I'm going to be working at the OC Fair this year, that's how I'm going to have money to do what I want to do. Having a job isn't the funnest thing, but it's definitely worth it. Working at the OC Fair is actually a pretty cool job, I get to be around a fun environment so it's not like I'm ever bored at work. 
Going to the gym over the summer is really important to me this year, I need to get my beach body going, and i also need to get in shape for Football and Basketball. Going to the gym isn't that easy for me, I usually don't have enough time to make it to the gym. I'm going to have basketball practice from 7-9am, so that means right after practice I'll be heading to the beach right after practice. A good bike ride to the beach after a fun practice is always good. 
Hanging out with my friends is another thing that I am going to make memorable, or at least try to remember. Last summer I was always with my friends, we would always go to the fair, beach, or go on an adventure to somewhere we haven't been before. So I plan on having a recap of that this year. I'm going to do anything to make this summer the best, that's a promise. 

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